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Hello Friend,

Perci Whitmore's extensive experience at Mott Communtiy College and in the workforce has provided him with the necessary skills to effectively guide and direct the voters of Genesee County. He is a dedicated individual who is committed to representing the people and ensuring that the Mott Board has a prosperous future.

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My Story

So, let me tell you Perci Whitmore's story. Perci were all about youth advocacy, community engagement, and higher education learning. Perci attended Mott Community College from 2015 to 2019 and got some work experience in the workforce and community. Then, in 2019, he became an innovator by creating a personalized Career Exploration Program that's still used today. Perci's vision is to get more people engaged with College, help students finish their studies, and create more opportunities for the next generation. The board should be respectful, work well with everyone, and follow the rules to make meetings successful.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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